St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery
131 E 10th St, New York, NY 10003
All Are Welcome — Worship Services 11AM on Sundays | (212) 674-6377
Upcoming events:
(view our weekly newsletter here or events page here).
Palm Sunday Service of Palms and Passion reading
Sunday, April 13th at 11:00am
Preacher: The Rt. Rev Mary D. Glasspool
Tenebrae Service
Wednesday, April 16th at 7:00pm
A peaceful service with candles, scripture, and song
Maundy Thursday Service of Foot Washing + Commemoration of the Last Supper
Thursday, April 17th at 7:00pm
Preacher: The Rev. Dr. John Thatamanil, Guest musician: Ana Hernandez
Community meal to follow
Good Friday Blues
Friday, April 18th at 12:00pm
A dramatic Good Friday experience with Blues and Jazz music
Preachers: Pádraig Ó Tuama, Nell Gibson, the Rev. Nontombi Naomi Tutu
Newcomer Welcome Dinner
Thursday, April 10th at 6:00pm | At the Rectory
Join us for dinner to get to know folks who are new (or newish) to St. Mark’s. There’s no agenda—just an opportunity to get to know each other and meet more people in the community. RSVP here
Save the Date: Br. Andrew’s Ordination
Saturday, May 17th at 10:30am | At the Cathedral
Brother Andrew Jones, OSF will be Ordained to the Holy Order of Deacons on Saturday, May 17, 10:30 a.m., at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Br. Andrew is an ordinand for Holy Orders and will complete his three years of Deacon Formation this April. Please mark your calendars and come support him.
Ongoing events:
Holy Eucharist
Sundays at 11am | In Person in the Sanctuary | Stream online here
Weekly Healing Prayer Service
Wednesdays at 6pm | In Person in the Sanctuary
monthly 20s/30s potluck
Second Wednesday of Every Month at 6:30pm | Meet in the Sanctuary
Come fellowship with us on the second Wednesday of every month! Following the 6pm Healing Prayer Service.Our next gathering will be held on Wednesday, April 9th
Deepen Your Spiritual Life this Lent—Join a Small Group!
Questioning Faith: Episcopal 101 with Brother Andrew (in person) | Sundays at 9:30am, beginning March 9th; Sign up here
Deepen your understanding of the basics of Episcopal tradition and practice.Kairos Document Study with Jacob Sierra (in person) | Sundays at 12:30pm March 16, 23, 30; Sign up here
Explore the experience of Palestinian Christians, an often forgotten voice in the ongoing conflict in the Holy Land.Discerning Sobriety with Rev. Anne Marie (online) | Tuesdays at 8:30pm March 11, 18, 25, and April 10; Register here
Explore your relationship to alcohol this season and what it means to become more alert to the presence of God in your life. This is a group for those who may want to abstain from alcohol during Lent, or who are interested in discerning their relationship to alcohol more broadly. Everyone is welcomeSacred Self-Care with Morgan Roper and Holly Rawlinson (online) | Sundays at 6:00pm March 16, 23, 30, and April 6th; Register here
Explore daily practices for nurturing our whole selves, mind, body, and soul, based on the best-selling book “Sacred Self Care” by clinical psychologist and theologian Chanequa Waker-Barnes.Creative Writing with Polina Belimova (online) | Thursdays at 7pm. March 6, 20, April 3, and 10; Register here
Explore writing as a tool to express yourself, connect more deeply with God and yourself, and find your voice. You don't have to be a writer to do this (or, rather, you are a writer already because everyone is). We will do some “therapeutic” purge writing (pouring out whatever is on our minds onto paper) as well as some prompted writing. It's not to impress one another or create something ready for publication, but it's a way to connect, reflect, share, scream out what's inside, and let creative God’s Spirit talk through you.
First fridaY family movie and game night*
First Friday of every month from 5:30-7:30pm | Parish Hall | Register here
Join parents and kids at the rectory for an evening of fellowship and fun. We’ll have crafts, pizza, and a movie for kids and an opportunity for parents to connect with each otherOur next gathering will be April 4th
Welcome centeR - Supporting Our Migrant Neighbors
Wednesdays from 4:00-6:30pm | In the Sanctuary
St. Marks is offering food, cell phone charging, rest/respite, and other resources to welcome local migrants and asylum seekers who are without work or shelter in New York.Please consider donating food, new socks, men’s shoes and clothing. There is an urgent need at the moment for winter coats and blankets. You can bring donations to church during the week or during the program on Wednesday afternoons. If you don’t have coats, you can donate here and we will purchase them. You can make a financial donation here or sign up to volunteer here.
Donate to Metrocards for Asylum Seekers here.
Sundays at 2:00pm
On Sundays, St. Marks in the Bowery hosts “Ecclesia,” an outdoor church ministry committed to serving unhoused and under-resourced New Yorkers. The ministry offers a 2pm Eucharist service every Sunday, fellowship, and a bagged lunch to everyone who joins. As the host parish, St. Mark’s will offer storage space and participate in making sandwiches and celebrating the Eucharist about once a month.