Welcome Center for migrants and asylum seekers


You are welcome here. This is your place. You belong.

Every Wednesday afternoon, from 4-7pm, we open our doors at St. Mark’s to New York’s newest neighbors—men and women from across the world who are seeking asylum in our city.

Many folks have traveled across continents to get here and have experienced significant violence and loss, both in their home countries and throughout the journey.

We offer a hot meal, clothing and toiletries, English tutoring, haircuts, and one-on-one support for a range of other resources.

We do all of this through the time and energy of wonderful volunteers and the donations of our community members. Every person matters and every donation makes a difference.

But we offer something much more basic, too. When folks walk through the door, our message is—You are welcome here. This is your place. You belong.

As people of faith, our welcome is the most important thing we have because it is in receiving others that we receive God; it is through love for our neighbors that all our hopes can be fulfilled.

Please consider making a financial donation here or sign up to volunteer here.