A Letter from our Next Rector

Dear People of St. Mark’s, I am honored and humbled to serve as the 14th Rector of St. Mark’s in the Bowery.

Having read St. Mark’s is Dead, written by the talented Ada Calhoun, about the vibrant past of both St. Mark’s and the East Village, I can only begin to imagine the exciting and endless possibilities. Your passion for the arts, commitment and dedication to social justice, as well as your clarity and love for the way in which you worship, are the very attributes that resonate with my heart.

I do wish to extend heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving to both the Search Committee and Vestry for your strong leadership, thoughtful questions, consideration, and gracious hospitality through the entire process of mutual discernment. You made it easy to say, yes!

As we prepare to enter the season of Lent, I would like to invite us into that quiet place where we can reflect, forgive, love, dream and discern how God is calling us to be – at this moment in time, and during this next chapter in history. A long life, such as that of St. Mark’s, does give perspective, doesn’t it?

What is already clear, dear people, is that all of you have so much to offer each other and the broader community by simply sharing your gifts of the Spirit, which already exist. How blessed am I, to be called by you.

Susan and I look forward to throwing open the windows of our life together on Pentecost. Till then, may the blessing of God be with you this day and forever more.

Peace and joy, Anne

=== Read more about the search process and see the letter from the Vestry welcoming the Rev. Anne Sawyer.