Preserving Creation

St. Mark’s green initiative, Preserving Creation, educated our congregation about the perils of plastics. We have also experimented with a waste-free coffee hour — no disposables, no plastics. We encourage congregants to bring their own mug. Please join us!

If you missed the February discussion, download the presentation (click "slide show" then "from the beginning" to view as slide show) and join us by taking the pledge.

Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste

  • Use a reusable bag. Need one? Buy a St Mark’s reusable bag!

  • The NYC ban does not include produce bags. Use a reusable produce bag.

  • Use a reusable bottle for water and if you enjoy soft drinks, consider investing in a Sodastream to make your own seltzer or soda.

  • Bring your own mug when buying coffee to go. You may even receive a discount by doing so.

  • Avoid plasticware and plastic straws. Encourage businesses to offer them only by request.

  • Buy items in boxes, cartons, glass or metal containers instead of plastic bottles, i.e. laundry detergent, milk, juice, peanut butter, oil. Switch to bars of soap instead of liquid soap. Bonus if the soap is wrapped in paper instead of plastic or not wrapped at all!

Want to do more? Here are some more ideas!

  • Consider using alternatives to Ziploc bags and plastic wrap. If you do use Ziploc type bags reuse them as much as possible before throwing them out.

  • Purchase food items from bulk bins and fill a reusable bag or container.

  • Likewise consider buying produce from greenmarkets and support local farmers. Grocery stores often use various plastic packaging for their produce.

  • Pack your lunch instead of take out or delivery as often as possible. If you do take-out, reuse the containers or dispose recyclable and compostable items properly. Also, opt for fresh fruits and veggies instead of products that come in single serving cups.

  • Avoid sauce packets from restaurants and use your own supply (in glass bottles, if possible!)

  • Reuse containers for storing leftovers or shopping in bulk.

  • Avoid disposable razors, flossers, lighters, etc. Use bamboo or recycled plastic toothbrushes.

  • Consider buying toilet paper made from recycled materials and wrapped in paper.

  • Avoid buying frozen foods because their packaging is mostly plastic.

  • Use cloth diapers to reduce your baby's carbon footprint and save money.

  • Make more of your own items such as bread, yogurt, and even non-toxic cleaning products.

  • Give up gum or find a gum that is not made with synthetics, aka plastic.

  • If you are a menstruating individual, consider alternative reusable products. Yes, they exist! If anything, stay away from plastic applicators.

  • Synthetic clothing such polyester and acrylic is made with plastic and releases microplastics with every wash. When possible buy clothing made with natural fibers.

Local Vendors

Check out your local health food stores for bulk bin items. Two locations near St. Marks: 4th Street Food Co-op at 58 E. 4th Street and Commodities Health Food at 165 1st Avenue. Otherwild at 35 E. 1st Street sells zero waste products and offers a refill station for cleaning supplies.

Online Vendors

There are a growing number of online resources available to move towards zero waste. Browse online and check out these vendors: Life Without Plastic (large inventory), Wild Minimalist, Package Free Shop (with physical shops in Manhattan and Brooklyn), Shop With Good Intent (online shop plus great blog with DIY recipes and ideas).