God Leading Us Forward

February 18, 2022

Dear Friends in Christ,

Moses has always resonated with me – well, following Jesus of course. From questioning God why him, when words were not always easy. To his yearning to do what is right, his attempts to lead the people entrusted to him, praying to God for manna and water to nourish their bodies and souls, leading them as far as he could toward the promised land, to finally passing his staff to another, Joshua, to lead God’s people forward.

While I am not Moses, I believe that it’s time that I pass the keys of this church to the priest called next to lead this parish forward. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to have served with you for nearly five years. For the first couple of years, we addressed immediate needs and began to discern what to do, and how to do it. Then during the pandemic, many of us grew in relationship as we began meeting in our homes via zoom, and as we endured the trauma of sickness, the deaths of beloved family and friends, and tragically, continued violence against people of color in this country. It has only been recently that returning to church has been difficult, given that so much has changed in our lives. It is my prayer that all of you will begin gathering again in your church home.

I wish to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated team of St. Mark’s Church in-the-Bowery: Jimmy, Carlos, Joe, Jay, Jeannine (and Larry), Nate and Paul. It has been a pleasure to serve with them, knowing that they make all things possible. In addition, I wish give thanks to my past and present Wardens, and everyone who has served on the Vestry for giving generously of their time and talents. While I did hold open space for new ideas, virtually everything else offered and implemented came from you. Many thanks to all of you who helped along the way. I am excited for the future of this parish – carrying forward the best of the past, as you discern the movement of the Spirit within and beyond.

Your Wardens and Vestry are in communication with the Episcopal Diocese of New York to begin the process of calling either a Priest-in-Charge or new Rector. St. Mark’s is in a fine financial position, so either call is an option. Nate has a one-year contract through late summer, and Paul has expressed his ongoing commitment to St. Mark’s until he retires, and perhaps longer. If all goes as planned, I will leave shortly after Easter. I have offered whatever time is needed for a smooth transition. As is the practice, once I leave St. Mark’s I can no longer serve as your priest. I will miss you, and I will miss being engaged in ministry with you in this place. Susan and I will miss New York City. Thank you for blessing us, and thank you for your care and love.

I look forward to worshipping with you again in-person very soon. Our ability to offer services in-person and online (via zoom or with use of our camera) will depend on us – whether we have the capacity to do both. There is no reason we can’t with your help. As you know, in a small parish everything is possible when we share what we have been given to us. Dream big, dear people of God. The future is bright.

Blessings and love,


The Rev. Anne Sawyer

Feb 18, 2022

Dear Members of St. Mark’s,

We are writing to advise you that the Wardens and Vestry of St. Mark’s Church in the Bowery has accepted the resignation of The Reverend Anne Sawyer. Reverend Anne’s last Sunday with St. Mark’s will be Easter Sunday (April 17).

We want to thank Reverend Anne for her faithful, loving and constructive service to St. Mark’s and our community.

We wish Reverend Anne well in her future endeavors.


Mary-Margret Little and Elisabeth Jacobs

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